Игровая приставка SEGA+Dendy - Hamy 5 XL AV+HDMI 800 игр, 2 проводных геймпада (8 bit + 16 bit)

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- Код: Hamy 5 XL AV+HDMI 800 игр
147,60 руб.
- +375 (29) 752-29-05мобильный MTC
- +375 (17) 310-62-74городской
Игровая приставка SEGA+Dendy - Hamy 5 XL AV+HDMI 800 игр, 2 проводных геймпада (8 bit + 16 bit)
Ряд изменений в Hamy 5, которые расширяют возможности приставки и делают ее использование более комфортным:
Улучшен внешний вид. Корпус консоли стал обтекаемым.
Кнопки «Сброс» и «Включение питания» новой формы и вынесены дальше от края – риск механического повреждения сведен к минимуму.
Новый слот для карт памяти. Вместо традиционной карты SD теперь будет использоваться карта micro SD
Увеличено количество встроенных игр. Их количество достигло 800 вместо 350, в сравнении с предыдущей версией Hamy.
• Игровая консоль – 1 шт.
• Джойстик – 2 шт.
• Кабель AV (3*3) – 1 шт.
• Кабель HDMI – 1 шт.
• Адаптер с кабелем питания – 1 шт.
• Гарантийный талон.
Для подключения к телевизору используется стандартный разъем AV (тюльпаны) или HDMI. Для телевизоров старых моделей можно использовать переходник для разъема SCART.
При включении консоли вы попадаете в главное меню, где можно выбрать вариант игр на 8 или 16-bit, воспроизведение музыки, фото (картинок) или файлов с микро SD карты.
Тип | Стационарная |
Цвет приставки | Черный |
Разрядность процессора, бит | 8;16 |
Материал корпуса | Пластик |
Тактовая частота процессора | 132-396 |
Стандарт видеовыхода | PAL |
Звуковой Выход | Стерео |
Встроенные игры | 800 |
Встроенная память | 1 GB |
Возможность подключения светового пистолета | нет |
Разъем для подключения геймпадов | 2 шт. 9 pin |
Разъем для карты памяти | microSD и microSDHC |
Совместимость с картриджами | нет |
Длина видео кабеля, вид | 1,5 метра — HDMI и 1,5 метра — AV |
Длина кабеля джойстика | 1,45 метра |
Длина сетевого кабеля | 1,2 метра |
Питание | внешний блок 5V |
Упаковка | Картонная коробка |
Страна производства | Россия |
Приставка не поддерживает работу со световым пистолетом!
Список игр:
1. A Bug’s Life, 2. Abrams Battle Tank, 3. Aero Blaster, 4. Aero the Acro-Bat, 5. Aero Acro Bat 2, 6. A Dinosadurs Tale, 7. Addams Family 2, 8. Addams Family Values, 9. Aerobiz Supersonic, 10. Andre Agassi Tennis, 11. Art of Fighting, 12. Atomic Runner, 13. After Burner 2 , 14. Air Diver, 15. Art Alive, 16. Aladdin, 17. Aladdin 2, 18. Alien Soldier, 19. Alien Storm, 20. Alisia Dragoon, 21. Alien 3, 22. Andretti Racing, 23. Animaniacs, 24. Arrow Flash, 25. Aquatic Games, 26. Arcus Odyssey, 27. Ariel Mermaid, 28. Asterix Great Rescue, 29. Asterix Power Gods, 30. Awesome Possum, 31. Back Future, 32. Ballz, 33. Ball Jacks, 34. Barbie Super Model, 35. Barbie Vacation Adventure, 36. Bare Knuckle, 37. Bare Knuckle 3, 38. Bass Masters Classic, 39. Batman Forever, 40. Batman Revenge Joker, 41. Batman Robin , 42. Battle Squadron, 43. Battle Toads , 44. Battleship, 45. Battletank, 46. Battletech, 47. Battle Mania, 48. Battletoads Double Dragon, 49. Beauty Beast Roar Beast, 50. Beavis and Butt-Head, 51. Belle’s Quest, 52. Best of the Best, 53. Beyond Oasis, 54. Blaster Master 2, 55. Blockout, 56. Bloodshot, 57. Bod Omen, 58. Bomber, 59. Bonania Bros, 60. Bonkers, 61. Boogerman, 62. Boxing, 63. Brutal — Paws of Fury, 64. Bubba’n’Stix, 65. Bubble and Squeak, 66. Bubsy 2, 67. Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble, 68. Burning Force, 69. Cadash, 70. Caersas Palace, 71. Caliber Fifty, 72. California Games, 73. Camping Adventure, 74. Cannon Fodder, 75. Captain America, 76. Captain Lang, 77. Captain Planet and the Planeteers, 78. Castle of Illusion, 79. Castlevania Bloodlues, 80. Chakan — The Forever Man, 81. Championship Bowling, 82. Championship Pool, 83. Chase HQ 2, 84. Cheese Cat-Astrophe, 85. Centurion, 86. Chessmaster, 87. Chester Cheetah 2, 88. Clue, 89. Columns 3, 90. Combat Cars, 91. Comix Zone, 92. Comm Andos , 93. Contra, 94. Cool Spot, 95. Cool Spot 2, 96. Crude Busters, 97. Cutthroath Island, 98. Cyber Cop, 99. Cyborg Justice, 100. Daffy Duck In Hollywood, 101. Dark Castle, 102. Daffy Duck, 103. Davis Cup World Tour, 104. Deaert Demolition, 105. Death Caliber, 106. Demolition Man, 107. Desert Strike, 108. Deer-Hunter, 109. Diablo, 110. Domino, 111. Donald in Maui Mallard, 112. Donkey Kong, 113. Doom Troopers, 114. Double Dragon, 115. Double Dragon 2, 116. Dragon — The Bruce Lee Story, 117. Duke Nukem, 118. Dune II, 119. Dynamite Duke, 120. Earnest Evans, 121. Earthworm Jim, 122. Earthworm Jim 2, 123. Ecco , 124. Ecco the Tides of Time, 125. Elemental Master, 126. Eswat, 127. Ex-Mutants, 128. Ex-Ranza, 129. F1, 130. F-15 Strike Eagle, 131. Fantasia, 132. Foreman For Real, 133. Ferrari, 134. Frogger, 135. Fido Dido, 136. Fifa 97, 137. Fire Mustang, 138. Fire Shark, 139. Flink, 140. Fighting Masters, 141. Final Blow, 142. Fun n Games, 143. Flash Back , 144. Flicky, 145. Fantastic Dizzy, 146. Flintstones, 147. FIFA 99, 148. Fifa-95, 149. Fatal Fury 2, 150. Frankenstein , 151. Fun Car Rally, 152. Gain Ground, 153. Galahad, 154. Galaxy Force2, 155. Gargoyles, 156. General Chaos, 157. Ghost Busters, 158. Global Gladoators, 159. Gods, 160. Golden Axe 1, 161. Goofy’s Hysterical tour, 162. Greendog, 163. Gretzky Wayne 1997, 164. Grind Stormer, 165. Gunstar Heroes, 166. Haunting Polterguy, 167. Hellfire, 168. Hercules, 169. Herzog Zwei, 170. High Seas Havoc, 171. Hit The Ice, 172. Hockey 93, 173. Hook, 174. Hot Soccer, 175. Hurricanes, 176. Immortal, 177. Incredible Hulk, 178. Indiana Jones, 179. Indy Car, 180. Iraq War 2003, 181. Insector X, 182. Izzy’s Quest, 183. It Game from Desert, 184. Itchy and Scratchy, 185. James Bond, 186. James Bond 2, 187. Jewel Master, 188. Joe & Mac, 189. Judge Dredd, 190. Junction, 191. Jungle Book, 192. Jungle Strike, 193. Jurassic Park, 194. Jurassic Park 2, 195. Kawasaki, 196. Kid Chameleon, 197. Kolobok, 198. Klax, 199. Krusty’s Super Funhouse, 200. King of the Monsters 2, 201. Lawnmower Man, 202. Lemmings Tribes2, 203. Lethal Enforcers II(Gun Fight), 204. Lion King, 205. Lost Vikings, 206. Lost World Jurassic P.3, 207. Lotus , 208. Lotus 2, 209. Lion King 2, 210. Mafia, 211. Marko’s Magic Football, 212. Maximum Carnage, 213. Master of Monster, 214. Mazin Saga, 215. Mega Bomberman, 216. Mega Swiv, 217. Mega Trax, 218. Mega Turrican, 219. Mickey Mania, 220. Mega-Lo-Mania, 221. Megapanel, 222. Mercs, 223. Micro Machines, 224. Micro Machines 2, 225. Midnight Resistance, 226. Mig-29, 227. Mighty Max, 228. Monopoly, 229. Mortal Kombat, 230. Mortal Kombat 2, 231. Mortal Kombat 3, 232. Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate, 233. Mortal Kombat 4, 234. Marsupilami , 235. Mortal Kombat 8, 236. Mr Nutz, 237. MS Pacman, 238. Mulan, 239. Mutant League Hockey, 240. Mutant Leaque Football , 241. NBA 97 , 242. NBA Life 98, 243. NHL All-Star Hockey , 244. Nigel Mansell’s, 245. New Zeland Story, 246. NFL 98, 247. NHL 95 , 248. NHL 96, 249. NHL 97 , 250. NHL 98, 251. NHL Hockey, 252. No Escape, 253. Operation Europe , 254. Ottifants, 255. Out Runners, 256. Ooze, 257. Outrun 2019, 258. Pac-Attack, 259. Pagemaster, 260. Pink Goes to Hollywood, 261. Pinocchio, 262. Pirates of the Dark Water, 263. Pyramid Magic III, 264. Pirates, 265. Pitfall, 266. Pocahontas, 267. Power Rangers 2 (Movie), 268. Predator 2, 269. Prince of Persia, 270. Pro Am Championship, 271. Puggsy, 272. Putter Golf, 273. Quack Shot, 274. Radical Rex, 275. Revolution-X, 276. Real Monsters, 277. Ren and Stimpy’s, 278. Risky Woods, 279. Ristar, 280. Road Blasters, 281. Road Rash, 282. Road Rash 2, 283. Robocop vs Terminator, 284. Rolling Thunder 2 , 285. Rolling Thunder 3, 286. Rock n Roll, 287. Rolo To The Rescue, 288. Rockman X3, 289. Samurai Spirits, 290. Scooby Doo, 291. Sea Quest, 292. Separation Anxiety, 293. Shadow Dancer, 294. Shadow of the Beast, 295. Shadow Run, 296. Shaq Fu, 297. Shining Force, 298. Shining Force 2, 299. Second Samurai, 300. Shinobi 3, 301. Side Pocket, 302. Simpsons Bart Mutants, 303. Skeleton Crew, 304. Smurfs, 305. Snake Rattle n Roll, 306. Snow Bros, 307. Soldier of Fortune, 308. Sonic & Knuckles, 309. Sonic 3D Blast, 310. Sonic Spinball, 311. Sonic , 312. Space Invaders, 313. Speedball 2 — Brutal Deluxe, 314. Spider Man X-Men, 315. Spider Man, 316. Spiderman Animated Series, 317. Sonic 1 Megamix, 318. Splatter House 2, 319. Splatter House 3, 320. Spot Goes to Hollywood, 321. Squirrel King, 322. Stargate, 323. Street Fighter II Plus, 324. Street Racer , 325. Sunset Riders , 326. Super Hang On, 327. Super Battleship, 328. Super Battletank, 329. Super Mario Bros , 330. Super Mario Bros 2, 331. Super Ping Pong, 332. Super Monaco GP 2, 333. Super Off Road, 334. Superman 2, 335. Sylvester Tweety, 336. Syndicate, 337. Tale Spin, 338. Thunder Force 4, 339. Taz in Escape from Mars, 340. Taz Mania, 341. Teenage Hyperstone Heist, 342. Tintin Au Tibet, 343. Techno Clash, 344. Tekken Special 3, 345. Terminator, 346. Terminator 2, 347. Test Drive II, 348. Tetris, 349. Theme Park, 350. Thunder Force 2, 351. Thunder Force 3, 352. Thomas the Tank Engine , 353. Thunder Fox, 354. Tin Head, 355. Tiny Toon, 356. Tiny Toon (Acme All-Stars), 357. Toe jam & Earl, 358. Tom Jerry, 359. Turbo Out Run, 360. Turtles Hyperstone Heist, 361. Truxton, 362. Top Gear 2, 363. Toxic Crusaders, 364. Toy Story, 365. True Lies, 366. Toys, 367. Twin Hawk, 368. Universal Solder, 369. Urban Strike, 370. V.R.Troppers, 371. Valis , 372. Valis 3, 373. Vector Man , 374. Vector Man 2, 375. Verytex, 376. Vapor Trail, 377. Wacky Worlds, 378. Wanderers from Ys, 379. Warlock, 380. Warp Speed, 381. Wardner, 382. Wimbledon Tennis, 383. Winter Challenge, 384. Wiz ‘n’ Liz, 385. Wolverine, 386. World Heroes, 387. World Of Illusion, 388. World of Tanks, 389. Worms, 390. Wrestle War, 391. Wrestle Mania, 392. X Men, 393. X Men 2, 394. Yogi Bear’s Cartoon Capers, 395. Zero The Kamikaze Squirrel, 396. Zero Tolerance, 397. Zero Kamikaze Squirrel, 398. Zero Tolerance Beyond , 399. Zombies, 400. Zool.
Игры 8 бит:
1. 1942, 2. 1943, 3. 8 Eyes, 4. 3 Eyes Boy, 5. 3D Battles, 6. 3D Block, 7. 720 Degrees, 8. 75 Bingo, 9. Abadox, 10. Abscondee, 11. Action in New York , 12. Addams Family, 13. Adventure Island 1, 14. Adventure Island 2, 15. Adventure Island 3, 16. Adventure Island 4, 17. Adventures of Lolo, 18. Adventures of Lolo 2 , 19. Adventures of Lolo 3, 20. Adventures of Rad Gravity, 21. Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle, 22. Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 23. Adventures of Captain Comic, 24. Adventures of Dino Riki, 25. Aigiina no Yogen, 26. Airwolf , 27. Aim Cruise, 28. Air Fortress, 29. Aladdin, 30. After Burner 2, 31. Alfred Chicken , 32. Alien 3, 33. Alien Sindrome, 34. Alpha Mission, 35. Arctic , 36. Armadillo, 37. Arcanoid, 38. Arkanoid 2, 39. Arkista’s Ring, 40. Auto-Upturn, 41. Babel No Tou, 42. B-Wings, 43. Back to the Future , 44. Banana Prince , 45. Banana , 46. Barbie , 47. Batman 3, 48. Batman, 49. Battle City, 50. Battle Tank , 51. Battle Chess, 52. Battleship , 53. Bao Qing Tian, 54. Barcelona 92 Olimpic, 55. Baby Boomer, 56. Bird Week, 57. Bigfoot , 58. Blades of Steel, 59. Boat Duel, 60. Bomberman 2 , 61. Bomberman, 62. Bonk’s Adventure, 63. Boogerman, 64. Bomb Sweeper, 65. Booby Kids, 66. Boulder Dash, 67. Boy and His Blob, 68. Buggy Popper , 69. Bugs Bunny Birthday, 70. Bugs Bunny Crazy , 71. Burger Time, 72. Block Puzzle, 73. Caesars Palace , 74. Captain America, 75. Captain Planet, 76. Cannonade, 77. Casino Kid, 78. Castlevania 2, 79. Castlevania , 80. Champion Bowling , 81. Captain Silver, 82. Captain SkyHawk, 83. Chase H.Q. , 84. Chip Dale 1, 85. Chip Dale 2, 86. Chip Dale 3, 87. Casino Kid 2, 88. Championship Lode Runner, 89. Championship Pool, 90. Championship Rally, 91. Cobra Command, 92. Cabal, 93. Contra 8, 94. Contra Forge, 95. Contrt 24 in 1, 96. Cosmic E, 97. Cowboy Kid , 98. Cybernoid , 99. Darkwin Duck, 100. Dead Fox, 101. Defender 2, 102. Devil World, 103. Deblock, 104. Desert Commander , 105. Dig Dug, 106. Dig Dug 2, 107. Donkey Kong.Jr, 108. Dragon Warrior , 109. Don Doko Don, 110. Don Doko Don 2, 111. Donkey Kong, 112. Donkey Kong 2, 113. Dough Boy, 114. Double Dragon 2, 115. Double Dragon 3, 116. Double Dribble, 117. Digger, 118. Dirty Harry, 119. Dracula, 120. Drac’s Night Out, 121. Dragon’s Lair, 122. Dr. Mario, 123. Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde, 124. Drop Zone, 125. Duck Tales , 126. Duck Tales 2, 127. EarthWorm Jim 2, 128. Eggland — Meikyuu no Fukkatsu, 129. Elevator Action, 130. Egypt, 131. Esper Bouken Tai, 132. Excitebike, 133. Escapeway, 134. Eliminator Boat Duel, 135. Exciting Boxing, 136. Exerion, 137. Family Tennis, 138. F-1 Race , 139. F1 Circus, 140. F-1 Sensation, 141. F-15 City War , 142. Felix The Cat , 143. Felix The Cat 2, 144. Fire Dragon, 145. Fish Story, 146. Flappy, 147. Flipull, 148. FIFA 97, 149. Flintstones 3, 150. Flinstones , 151. Flying Dragon, 152. Flying Warriors, 153. Final Fantasy, 154. Final Fantasy 3, 155. Final Lap, 156. Friday the 13, 157. Frankenstein, 158. Front Line, 159. Formation Z, 160. Formula One, 161. Foton, 162. France 98, 163. G.I.Joe, 164. Galaga, 165. Galaxian, 166. Gargoyle’s Quest 2, 167. Galactic Crusader, 168. Garfield , 169. Gauntlet 2, 170. Geimos, 171. Goal 3, 172. Godzilla , 173. Godzilla 2, 174. Golf, 175. Golgo 13, 176. Goonies, 177. Goonies II, 178. Gremlins 2, 179. George Foreman’s KO Boxing, 180. Gyruss, 181. Gradius, 182. Gradius 2, 183. Great Battle Cyber, 184. Great Tank, 185. Great Waldo Search, 186. Greeds, 187. Green Beret, 188. Hallihoo, 189. Hello Kitty, 190. Hello Kitty World, 191. Home Alone , 192. Home Alone 2, 193. Hook, 194. Hoops, 195. Hot Blood March, 196. Hot Blood Basketball, 197. Hot Blood New Record, 198. Hot Blood Volleyball, 199. Hot Dance 2000, 200. Huang Di, 201. Ice Climber, 202. Indiana Jones, 203. Infiltrator, 204. Insector X , 205. Ice Hockey, 206. IceOcean, 207. Ikari III — The Rescue , 208. Ikinari Musician, 209. Ikki, 210. Image Fight, 211. Immortal, 212. IQ Champion, 213. Jackie Chan, 214. James Bond Jr, 215. Jewelry, 216. Jaws, 217. John Elway’s Quarterback, 218. Jajamaru no Daibouken, 219. Jungle Book, 220. Jurassic Park, 221. Journey to Silius, 222. Journey to the West, 223. Jump Jump, 224. Jumping Kid, 225. Juuouki, 226. Jurassic Boy 2, 227. Kamen No Ninja Hanamaru, 228. Karate Champ, 229. Karate Kid, 230. Karateka, 231. Kart Fighter, 232. Kero Kero Keroppi 2, 233. Kero Kero Keroppi no Daibouken, 234. Kick Master, 235. Kickle Cubicle, 236. Kid Icarus, 237. Kid Klown, 238. Knight Rider , 239. Krusty’s Fun House , 240. Kung Fu, 241. Komani World 2, 242. Konami Hyper Soccer, 243. Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust Gaiden, 244. Last Action Hero , 245. Layla, 246. Last Ninja, 247. Legacy of the Wizard, 248. Legend of Kage, 249. Legend of Prince Valiant, 250. Legend of the Ghost Lion, 251. Legendary Wings, 252. Lemmings, 253. Little Mermaid, 254. Little Nemo , 255. Little Ninja Brothers, 256. Little Samson, 257. Lode Runner, 258. Lost Word of Jenny, 259. Lot Lot, 260. Magic Block, 261. Magic Darts, 262. Magic of Scheherazade, 263. Magical Mathematics, 264. Mad Max , 265. Magic Diamonds, 266. Mario 14, 267. Megaman, 268. Mario Bros, 269. Mario is Missing! , 270. Metal Gear , 271. Metro Cross , 272. Mickey Mouse , 273. Megaman 3, 274. Megaman 5, 275. Megaman 6, 276. Micro Machines , 277. Mighty Final Fight, 278. Might and Magic, 279. Mighty Bomb Jack, 280. Mission Cobra, 281. Mission Impossible, 282. Monster My Pocket , 283. Mortal Kombat Trilogy — MK5, 284. Moon Crystal, 285. Musashi no Ken, 286. Muscle, 287. Mystery Quest, 288. Nigel Mansell’s, 289. Ninja Kun, 290. Ninja Ryukenden 2, 291. Ninja Ryukenden 3, 292. Ninja Turtles, 293. Ninja Turtles 2, 294. Ninja Turtles 3, 295. Ninja Turtles 4, 296. Nightshade, 297. Ninja Crusaders, 298. Ninja Gaiden, 299. Ninja Gaiden 3, 300. Ninja Kid, 301. Off Road , 302. Onyanko Town, 303. Orb 3D , 304. Othello, 305. Over Horizon , 306. P.O.W. Prisoners of War, 307. Pac-Man , 308. Pac-Mania , 309. Pac Land, 310. Panic Restaurant, 311. Palamedes 2 , 312. Popeye, 313. Power Blade 2, 314. Pocket Monster, 315. Pocket Zaurus, 316. Poke Block, 317. Pokemon Green, 318. Poker 2, 319. Pole Chudes, 320. Pole Chudes 2, 321. Project Blue Compo Final , 322. Pon Pon Volley, 323. Pong of Wars, 324. Pooyan, 325. Power Blade, 326. prince of persia, 327. Punch Out, 328. Pro-Am RC, 329. Quest of King, 330. Q-Bert, 331. Rainbow Islands , 332. Rampage, 333. Rampart , 334. Road Blasters , 335. Road Fighter, 336. Robo Warrior , 337. RoboCop 2 , 338. Robocop, 339. Rollergames, 340. Sea of Dreamland , 341. Shadow Of Ninja, 342. Simpsons Bart, 343. Smurfs, 344. Snow Bros, 345. Sonic 3D, 346. Spider-Man, 347. Spot , 348. Spy Hunter , 349. Star Force, 350. Star Wars 2, 351. Strider , 352. Super Contra, 353. Super Mario Bros , 354. Super Mario Bros 2, 355. Super Mario Bros 3, 356. Super Mario 6, 357. Super Donkey Kong, 358. Super Donkey Kong 2, 359. Super Shinobi, 360. Super Aladdin, 361. Super Arabian, 362. Super Dodge Ball, 363. Sword Master, 364. Swords and Serpents, 365. Taito Basketball, 366. T&C Surf Design, 367. T&C 2 — Thrilla’s Surfari, 368. Tale Spin, 369. Tank 1990, 370. Tennis, 371. Terminator 2 , 372. Trojan, 373. Tetris 2, 374. Tetris Bombliss, 375. Tetris, 376. Tiny Toon , 377. Tiny Toon 2, 378. Toki, 379. Tom & Jerry 3, 380. Tom Jerry, 381. Toxic Crusaders , 382. Time Lord, 383. Time Zone, 384. Times of Lore, 385. Twin Eagle, 386. Uchuu Keibitai SDF, 387. Ultimate Stuntman, 388. Valis, 389. Venus Senki, 390. Wario Woods, 391. Wai Wai World, 392. Wai Wai World 2, 393. Warpman, 394. Wit’s , 395. Wolverine, 396. Xevious, 397. Yoshi , 398. Young Indiana, 399. Zen Ninja, 400. Zippy Race.
Основные | |
Производитель | SEGA |
Тип приставки | Стационарная |
Линейки | Sega |
В комплект входит | AV-кабель, Игровая приставка, Джойстики, Блок питания, HDMI-кабель |
Цвет корпуса | Черный |
Состояние | Новое |
- Цена: 147,60 руб.